Terumo Cardiovascular

Cardiovascular Division

Providing lifesaving technologies to cardiac surgery teams around the world

Terumo Cardiovascular develops and manufactures medical devices that function outside the body in place of the heart and lungs during cardiac surgery; oxygenators which perform blood oxygen exchange in place of the lungs; ECMO systems that support heart and lung function for patients in emergency care; and devices that help to support surgery without stopping the heart.

Cardiovascular Division (Terumo Cardiovascular)

Note: The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.

Cardiopulmonary Bypass System

Terumo offers devices that circulate blood in place of the heart and lungs during cardiovascular surgery in which the heart is stopped (“on pump” surgery).

During open-heart surgery, the heart-lung machine temporarily takes over the pumping function of the heart.

An oxygenator temporarily takes over the functions of the lungs, exchanging gasses including oxygen and then returning oxygenated blood back to the patient via the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit.

Cardiopulmonary Bypass System
Note: For regulatory approval status and product availability, please contact us.

CAPIOX FX Oxygenators

ECLS (extracorporeal life support system) / ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) system

Note: Commercially available only in Japan and some Asian countries.

This system performs the heart and lung functions for a patient with life-threatening respiratory or cardiac failure. This is done by inserting a catheter into a blood vessel of the thigh to bring blood outside the body, where it is cycled through a centrifugal pump and membrane oxygenator in a closed state.

CAPIOX FX Oxygenators

Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Products

Beating Heart or Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery avoids placing patients on-pump, and surgery is performed while the heart continues to beat. After chest incision, a stabilization system steadies only the portion of heart where the surgeon is working. This type of surgery is designed to avoid complications with on-pump procedures and benefits certain patient populations.

Note : For regulatory approval status and product availability, please contact us